Our Nursery
The Toddler Room
"Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand." (Confucius, 450BC)
The Toddler Room aims to create an environment in which children can become more independent, begin to think for themselves and develop into confident self assured learners.
To encourage children to become independent thinkers the room is arranged in areas; this enables the children to access resources themselves. A range of adult facilitated activities also take place, covering all areas of learning in the EYFS. Planning for this room reflects the children's interests and also combines parental input. Much like The Baby Room we encourage parental contribution, as you know your child better than anyone! This means the children progress through their journey in the EYFS, in a fun and relevant way.
The outdoors is always maximised in all of the rooms and The Toddler Room is no exception. We greatly believe that the best learning takes place outside and we aim to be outside for a large amount of the time. Free Flow is introduced into this room, so for key parts of the day, children can choose whether to be inside or outside.
We offer Forest School sessions for every child once a week, and spend a lot of time walking, exploring and learning in the woods. Forest School sessions allow children to take part in activities like tool work, cooking on the fire and imaginative games safely with support from highly qualified staff. Ofsted (2019) commented 'Children are exceptionally well informed about how to keep themselves safe. They learn to take risks through exploring the natural environment.'
The key person system operates in this room, providing excellent links with parents, children and staff. Observations and annotated photographs will be recorded in their online learning journal through eyLog and daily records are shared with parents in a communication diary, to give an overview of your child's day. Key persons make professional judgements of where their children are at in their journey through the EYFS and make individual learning plans for all children.
Staff ratio in this room is a minimum of 1:4.